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Irene Fafaliou is an Associate Professor in the Economics Dept. of the University of Piraeus, a member of the National Council of Global Entrepreneurship Week, a member of the European Network of Mentors for Women Entrepreneurs (Business Mentors Network Initiative), and one of the founding members of the Piraeus University Entrepreneurship and Innovation Unit.

She has a PhD from the University of Leicester (UK), specializing in SMEs and European policies of SME support. She holds a PGD in Manpower Studies & Industrial Relations from the University of Manchester, and a B.Sc. from the University of Macedonia, in Economics and Social Sciences.

Her expert interests include entrepreneurship, industrial organization, business competitiveness, technology transfer, corporate and social responsibility and innovative activity by SMEs. She has published books on entrepreneurship and SMEs, and on aspects of social entrepreneurship and industrial organization and policy. She has had numerous papers published in scholarly journals of international stature, and in the proceedings of international conferences. She has collaborated, as a researcher and technical consultant, with a host of public and private agencies – in Greece, Europe and farther afield.

Since 2011, she has been offering her services as a volunteer judge of business ideas and as a mentor helping to set up and grow new businesses. In April 2014, she was elected a member of the Board of Future Leaders, GR. Url: http://www.unipi.gr/faculty/fafaliou/index.html .