
George Michael Klimis, B.Sc. (Hons.), PGDIP.Sc, MBA, PhD, studied Mathematics in Thessaloniki and IT in London (at postgraduate level). He also has an MBA from the Cass Business School, City University, London. On completion of his postgraduate work, he was awarded a scholarship by Cass to do a PhD. He worked at Cass as a Research Fellow and Visiting Lecturer, while also participating in a research project by the UK Economic and Social Research Council on “Globalization, Technology and Creativity: Current Trends in the Music Industry”.

In Greece, he has taught at the University of Athens, the Piraeus Technical Education Institute and the National School of Public Administration of Greece (where he still occupies a post). He has also worked as a business consultant in Greece and elsewhere (UK and Sweden). Since October 2004, he has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media and Culture of the Panteion University, specializing in management and marketing, and is an associate member of the faculty of the Hellenic Open University.

M. Klimis has had articles accepted by distinguished international journals, such as the European Management Journal, British Journal of Management, European Journal of Communications, New Media and Society, etc. He has also had articles included in peer-reviewed collections, by publishers such as Routledge. His article “Increasing Returns and Social Contagion in Cultural Industries” won the British Academy of Management’s Most Innovative Paper Award in 1998.